PTO Connect
Your Way to Stay in Touch with Other
Leonardo da Vinci Families!
The PTO Connect is the best way to get in touch with your child's classmates and the great community at Leonardo da Vinci School!
New families, please make sure you are signed up! Existing families do not need to complete the form if there have not been any changes from last year. Your child's information will automatically move with them to the next grade level. If there have been any changes to your family’s information, let us know.
Click Here to Sign Up or to Make Changes
Only those families that have chosen to participate in the Connect will receive the link to the document in the fall. Once the 2024-2025 document has been emailed, the previous year's link will be disabled.
Teachers are not able to distribute a class list. The PTO does not and will not have lists of base teams or literacy/math bands at any point throughout the school year, as this information is confidential.
If you misplace the link, email the PTO and we will resend the information: [email protected]
New families, please make sure you are signed up! Existing families do not need to complete the form if there have not been any changes from last year. Your child's information will automatically move with them to the next grade level. If there have been any changes to your family’s information, let us know.
Click Here to Sign Up or to Make Changes
Only those families that have chosen to participate in the Connect will receive the link to the document in the fall. Once the 2024-2025 document has been emailed, the previous year's link will be disabled.
Teachers are not able to distribute a class list. The PTO does not and will not have lists of base teams or literacy/math bands at any point throughout the school year, as this information is confidential.
If you misplace the link, email the PTO and we will resend the information: [email protected]